Invited lectures

Gregor Bano
University of Jozef Šafárik, Košice, Slovakia
Optically trappable elastic micro-structures
Ryszard Buczyński
University of Warsaw, Poland
Free-form gradient index microoptics using nanostructure engineering
Ondřej Číp
Institute of Scientific Instruments of the CAS, Czech Republic
Optical ion clocks: from single ion to Coulomb crystals
Jaromir Fiurášek
Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic
Optical noiseless quantum amplifiers
Silvio Fuchs
Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany
Nanoscale laboratory-based coherence tomography with extreme ultraviolet and soft X-ray light
René Hudec
Czech Technical University in Prague and Astronomical Institute Ondrejov, Czech Republic
Astronomical X-ray optics
Jan Jabczyński
Military University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland, Warsaw, Poland
Toward coherent beam combining
Wiesław Królikowski
Texas A&M University at Qatar and Australian National University, Canberra
Wave shaping via frequency conversion in nonlinear optical crystals
Karel Lemr
Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic
Quantum machine learning with linear optics
Adam Miranowicz
Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland
Ultrastrong coupling between light and matter for quantum technologies
Jaroslav Nejdl
ELI Beamlines Center, Institute of Physics AS, Czech Republic
Laser-driven X-ray sources for user experiments at ELI Beamlines
Michał Parniak
University of Warsaw, Poland
Pushing the boundaries of entanglement with atoms, light and optomechanics
Dusan Pudis
University of Žilina, Slovakia
3D photonics for application on a chip and optical fiber
Szymon Pustelny
Jagiellonian University, Kraków , Poland
Optical detection of nuclear magnetic resonance at zero magnetic field
Lukáš Slodička
Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic
Quantum non-Gaussianity of multi-phonon states of trapped ions
Mateusz Śmietana
Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Nanocoated optical fiber sensors and biosensors
Vojtěch Svak
Institute of Scientific Instruments of the CAS, Czech Republic
Vacuum levitation of nanoparticles
Tolek Tyliszczak
Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland
Challenges in soft X-ray spectromicroscopy using Fresnel zone plates
Maciej Wielgus
Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy, Bonn, Germany
Event Horizon Telescope and the progress in very long baseline interferometry
Maciej Wojtkowski
Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
Spatio-temporal optical imaging - new step in noninvasive biopsy
Piotr Wróbel
University of Warsaw, Poland
Surface plasmon resonance enhanced photonic devices