
Important Dates

April 15, 2022Abstract submission deadline
May 12, 2022Notification of abstract acceptance
May 30, 2022EARLY payment of reduced registration fee
September 05, 2022Conference begining
September 09, 2022Conference ending
October 01, 2022SPIE manuscript submission deadline

Conference fee

Registration typebefore 30 May 2022after 30 May 2022
Double room630 Euro / 2800 PLN690 Euro / 3100 PLN
Single room750 Euro / 3300 PLN810 Euro / 3600 PLN
Acompanying person580 Euro / 2600 PLN630 Euro / 2800 PLN

The fee includes accommodation and full board, admission to all conference sessions, conference booklet, coffee breaks, excursion, banquet, and grill.

For cancellation please contact the Organizing Committee (

Refunds are possible in the amount of 90% of the sum paid for the cancellations before August 20, 2022. After this date the refunds are not possible.

22nd Polish-Slovak-Czech Optical Conference on Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics Registration Form

Payment details

Payments can be made Payments can be made through the Blue Media service or by bank transfer directly to the following account:

Payment in EUR

Account owner:Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Wybrzeze Wyspianskiego 27, 50-370 Wrocław
Bank's name:Santander Bank Polska
Account number:PL 91 1090 2402 0000 0006 1000 0626
Transfer title::PSC-2022, participant's name, 2001/0023/19

Payment in PLN

Właściciel konta:Politechnika Wrocławska, Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego 27, 50-370 Wrocław
Nazwa Banku:Santander Bank Polska
Numer konta:PL 37 1090 2402 0000 0006 1000 0434
Transfer title::PSC-2022, participant's name, 2001/0023/19